What joy there is in starting a new year! New resolutions, new goals, new beginnings… and a new amount of times to write the year wrong.  I had only written it wrong 4 times today – and might I add I’m incredibly impressed with that low of a number.  BUT, with the joy of starting the new year, comes the sad end to another holiday break and having to get back into a routine again. *sigh* When I taught at the elementary level, I loved coming back and celebrating the new year with my students.  I loved hearing about what goals they had for themselves.  I think I’ve heard just about everything from – scoring 100% on all spelling tests to – not getting in trouble and having to miss recess.  Moving to the middle school last year changed that a bit, and it’s not because they don’t have spelling tests or recess anymore.  Now, they are “big kids.”  Their goals and resolutions go beyond spelling tests and playing at recess.  I decided that over my holiday break I had to make something more “big kid” appropriate for my students to complete as a welcome back pack.  Luckily, being snowed in one morning allowed me plenty of time to do just that!  I decided to create a New Year “Welcome Back” Pack!

In this pack my students can review their last year’s goals and achievements, as all as set new goals for the upcoming year.  My students can also write a note to their future self.  AND – because I finished and was STILL snowed in, I had extra time to make this for the 2018 and 2019 new years as well! Now, it’s not like me to work THAT far in advance, but I just couldn’t help myself. This resource, as well as other resources to get you ready for the new year, can be found in my TPT STORE!

I can’t believe the first school day back from break is over already. I hope everyone has had a great start to their 2017 new year so far, and I wish for nothing but the best for the days in 2017 yet to come!